Top 3 Gunpowder Green Teas For Any Budget

Here’s a short list of the top 3 Gunpowder green teas we’ve found & love at Porter Hill HQ, here in Huddersfield. The selected teas range from premium to top shelf, with a variety of taste notes to quench the thirst of any tea drinker! If you don’t know what Gunpowder tea is, read our article Explosive! What is Gunpowder Green Tea here!

Top Shelf: Olive Green from Black Cloud Tea

50g for £23.85

Don’t let the price put you off, this isn’t your new daily brew – bring this hand-fried Gunpowder Tea out for special occasions only. Cultivated in Yong Xi village, where worker’s trek two hours to the tea fields, this distinctively rich & floral brew is alchemy caught in a cup! 

Also known as Jade Fire, owing to being hand fried over charcoal, Olive Green comes over buttery smooth with a tart olive aftertaste. Subsequent cups unlock a light smokiness & gives its drinker a reason to sit down & relax, enjoy the unfurling of the leaves as the yellow edge gives up its golden liquor

Organic: Ceylon Gunpowder from Tea Maker’s of London

50g for £3.50

This Sri Lankan Gunpowder tea is nuts! Infuse until pale golden & be rewarded with a nutty, floral cup of the best organic green tea going. It’s darker leaves can brew a bitter cup if you’re not careful, so a short 2 minute brew time should unlock a sweet, malty cup of tea. For the price, this is a great gunpowder tea for daily use!

Premium: Formosa Gunpowder from Porter Hill Tea Company 

50g for £3

from £5.70

We’re biased, but this is a great all-rounder Gunpowder. Not sure you’ll love tea with a smoky profile? Our Formosa lights a fire under your tongue but doesn’t burn with bitterness. Its semi-fermented nature provides a rich earthy taste note without coming across as generic & “grassy”.

If you’ve mastered supermarket green tea then stick this gunpowder in your basket now! Due to being hand rolled, gunpowder tea is higher in caffeine, & releases it over a slower period compared to coffee – it’ll make your mornings less abrupt & your afternoons last longer. Buy now & see for yourself!

T x


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