Gunpowder Green - Tea of the Month

Spring has sprung! Say goodbye to the last frost, hello to–slightly–warmer days & light a fire in your belly with Porter Hill’s Gunpowder Green tea of the month!

This late spring flush from Taiwan is the perfect counterpart to April in the UK, rewarding its drinker with rich earthy aromas & a banging astringent aftertaste! A 3 minute brew at 80*c will see these gunpowder-like pellets slowly explode & unfurl, giving up its flavour & caffeine. 

If you’re looking for a jitter-free caffeine fix then our Gunpowder Green is the perfect alternative to a 2pm latte. Slow releasing caffeine in tea is in part down to the tannins binding to amino acids & caffeine allowing for a more even energy boost! We’re drinking it right now as we type because, well, deadlines, deadlines, deadlines.

Organic Osprey Gunpowder
from £5.70

When brewing look for an infusion colour tending on sylvan green–and 80*c is the magic number! If you don’t have a fancy temperature-controlled kettle, then let boiling water sit for about 10 mins. Green tea leaves are new growth & very delicate, scorching the leaves will turn your brew bitter.

For the whole month of April, the code EXPLOSIVE10 will give you 10% off any order of our Gunpowder Green tea. You’re very welcome & you needn’t thank us!

If you want to know about the health benefits of Gunpowder Green tea, this handy blog post here will bring you up to speed.


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